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Bruna & Felipe Lambada Track

sáb., 23 de set.



3h of Lambada workshops with the renowned dance couple Bruna and Felipe from Brazil. Event presented by William and Irene

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Bruna & Felipe Lambada Track
Bruna & Felipe Lambada Track

Horário e local

23 de set. de 2023, 11:00 – 14:00 GMT+2

Madrid, Calle Isidra Jiménez, 29, 28026 Madrid, Espanha


Sobre o evento

This event is made for you that wants to learn and improve your lambada skills, focused at intermediate and improvers dancers.


  • Lambada Track single Pass

    This ticket gives the access to the 3 hour of Lambada workshops that is happening at 23rd of September 2023, at Asento Academy Madrid.

    Vendas encerradas
    • € 50,00
      Imposto: +€ 10,50 IVATaxa de serviço de € 1,51
    • € 50,00
      Imposto: +€ 10,50 IVATaxa de serviço de € 1,51
    • Lambada Track couple pass

      This ticket gives the access for two people to 3 hour of Lambada workshops that is happening at 23rd of September 2023, at Asento Academy Madrid. Event presented by William and Irene.

      € 90,00
      Imposto: +€ 18,90 IVATaxa de serviço de € 2,72
      Vendas encerradas


    € 0,00

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